Innovation and tradition, at the service of musical emotion

1995 – 2025
30 years of enriching artists with the tools of tomorrow

Since 30 years Carbow has exclusively manufactured carbon bows

Carbon has recognized qualities: precision, liveliness, comfort of execution, resistance… But it is not naturally more musical than wood.

Our customers recognize, however, that the musicality of our bows rivals even the most prestigious wooden bows.

Carbow is today considered one of the true artisans in the world of music by many great performers.

At the origin of this challenge, Olivier Philippot, creator of the company LNM, owner of the Carbow brand, who defines himself as an engineer-bow maker. Olivier’s engineering background has been the foundation for his mastery of the complex implementation required by this subject. And his love of well-made objects continued…

In its workshop located in Brittany, France, the small Carbow team only manufactures a few hundred bows per year. Each bow is unique and passes into the hands of Olivier to be checked, before being delivered to its future user.

Cette image montre une forêt dense de conifères enveloppée de brume, créant une atmosphère mystérieuse. Les arbres forment une mer verte, et la brume semble flotter comme un archet en carbone dansant sur les cordes de la nature.
Cette image montre un archet en carbone reposant sur un morceau de bois texturé. L'archet, avec sa baguette brune et sa garniture métallique argentée, contraste avec le fond rugueux du bois, soulignant la précision et l'élégance de l'outil.
Cette image montre un gros plan d'un archet en carbone contre un fond noir, mettant en valeur la courbure élégante et la finesse de la baguette. La finition lisse et la couleur brun foncé de l'archet contrastent avec le fond sombre, soulignant la sophistication de cet outil de musicien.

Bows for all uses

Your bow plays a little-known but essential role : to highlight the sound of your instrument.

We manufacture bows for all instruments: violin, viola, cello, French, German or “Up & Down” double bass bows (allowing you to alternate between the two techniques).

We offer you three ranges which differ in their aesthetics, the materials used, the richness of the harmonics and the playing sensations.

You can even order tailor-made bows from us, specially adapted to your technical and aesthetic requirements.

Our prices range from €800 to €2000 each.


Whether beginners, confirmed amateurs or professionals, they all have in common the CARBOW experience and are happy to freely share their impressions. Many feel they have re-discovered their instrument, even found renewed pleasure in playing, which they felt they had lost. Some, who thought they had reached their limits suddenly realized they were making new progress.

They also mention the trust they developed in the people who work for CARBOW and the shared passion for music and excellence. The story is not exclusively about technique, it is also about human relationships.

Cette image montre une femme souriante, tenant un violon. Elle est éclairée par une lumière naturelle qui met en valeur son visage serein et ses cheveux noirs. Son témoignage pourrait porter sur l'importance de la musique dans sa vie et la précision nécessaire pour jouer avec un archet en carbone, qui offre une résonance et une sensibilité exceptionnelles.

Elevated. Cultivated. Carbow.